Video games?!

Oh boy, we're talking about video games now? I love some good games. Could you tell? I mean, it's my planned future job after all...

One of my favorites is Doom. Yes, I genuinely love a 1993 FPS. It's very moddable, though, so one of the reasons it's so great is you never run out of content to play. The new Dooms are great too, Doom Eternal probably being one of the best FPS games of all time.

Speaking of never running out, Minecraft is another favorite of mine. It's being updated regularly enough. It's a joy to play with your friends, too, and if you can get a server running you can have hours and hours of fun with your buddies.

Oh, that leads me to Terraria. People say it's like Minecraft, but in 2D. And they're right, for the first couple nights. And then it progresses. I have a presentation on it here: (link invalid)

The last game I want to mention is, of course, Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing



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